Sunday, November 13, 2011

Design Process

The design process is the transformation of an idea, needs, or wants by consumers or the marketplace at large, into a product that satisfies these needs. This is usually accomplished by adventurous people that are willing to take it on. Sometimes an engineer will be involved on some levels but not always. Product designers follow various methodology that requires a specific skill set to complete.

Design is basically a problem solving exercise. The design of a new product consists of the following stages:

  • Design Brief
  • Product Design Specifications
  • Concept Design
  • Testing
  • Detail Design
  • Manufacturing and Further Testing
  • Refinement and Sales

Initial stage

  • Idea Generation can be from imagination, observation or research.
  • Need Based Generation can be from the need to solve a problem, the need to follow the popular trends, or the need for a product to do a specific task.

Mid stage

  • Design Solutions arise from meeting user needs, concept development, form exploration, ergonomics, prototyping, materials, and technology.
  • Production involves fabrication the design.

Final stage

Marketing involves selling the product. It can either be client based which mean the a client buys the design and manufactures it and then sells it to customers. Or it can be user based where the product is sold directly to the user by the designer.

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